As we close out a year our soul self gives us the opportunity to make one last attempt of re-alignment so many things can show up that we think we have dealt with so trust it all for our highest good and it wont last… Hold the line at the end of that battle field or as I am hearing LIGHT!
Big themes for December…
1. Neptune going direct on the 1st December connecting us with our emotional self and what astrologists are saying a ‘spiritual revival’
2. 4th/5th December we have a powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius that will close a door of energies that have been shook to the surface front he last two weeks with the lunar eclipse full moon.
3. I do love a good gateway and this final one of 2021 is strong on 12/12
4. 18th December we see a Full Moon
5. 21st December is the winter solstice Yule energies
6. Final week of December culminate in the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square Saturn – Control and Uranus – Freedom.
We wind down what I certainly feel was a touch year…
Be open to a new path and way of being but be sure you stay in the driving seat and don’t give your power away to any one or any system. HOLD THE LINE/LIGHT!!
We have a choice in December to have a happy ending or a mad rush to tie up loose ends so you choose.
Let go of others expectations and honour what is important. Family.
2022 has a big focus on the SELF and building the next decade from solid foundations so its stand the test of time.
I created my recent Bee your own Queen workshop series in November to help navigate these times to out you back in the driving seat so you can be your own queen…
You can read/ access them or the Akashic Records Clearing on www.mywellbeingpal/services
Each one last approx 2 hours and takes you through some teaching, reflection work and a healing meditation. These omit very strong healing codes so you will feel you body and mind clearing before, during and after so stay grounded and drink plenty of water.
1) Inner Child Healing & Integration
2) Connecting with your Intuition & Soul Self
3) Power & Purpose