Fiery February ‘ENERGY READING’ ‘Stepping out of comfort zone and into purpose’

February is nearly upon us so let’s take a look at what to expect….

Click here for the full video for February and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel Soul Self Mastery & click on the bell to be notified of when I pop up a new video.

I just heard the word FIERY but don’t be disheartened as it’s to serve us to bring things to a head and final closure for massive movement and momentum forward.

Fire simply means ACTION, TRANSFORMATION, CREATION. Yes destruction is in there too but to help us as we tend to hold on for dear life of what we know and what is comfortable because change is stepping into the unknown and that can feel so scary.

We like to know so trust that you will know when your meant to know.

As I recorded this I didn’t even look at the moons and then afterwards I noticed that there is a full moon in Leo (fire sign) on the 5th and of course we have imbolc and Brigid (keeper of the sacred flame) around 1st/2nd.

We do one of two things with fire.

We suppress or ignite.

It’s ultimately your choice.

When we ignore or avoid what is true we suppress. Yes it’s difficult initially but in the long run it’s magical if we can just stay in the uncomfortable zone for a tiny bit as we walk through the void of unknown into the light.

Themes for February;

🔥 Stepping out of comfort zone and into courage

🔥 Time to speak your truth and communicate from the heart

🔥Clarity and next steps on purpose

🔥Creating graceful boundaries with an open heart to allow flow in and out

🔥Feminine ‘initiation’ energy so embrace your vulnerability and emotional body as your super power

🔥Rise above any dramas and see from this higher perspective

🔥Final cutting of cords to those situations, relationships, jobs or habits that are not serving you

Time to face, accept, love and honour all parts of you, the good, the bad, the light, the dark and return to wholeness which is essentially truly being in your power 🔥

February is traditionally the month of love ❤️ so focus on self love first and then you will attract it all!

Are you ready to stoke your fire 🔥 because your light has not went out, yes maybe a little bit dimmed but nothing is ever lost or impossible, you simply need to know what you want and who you are and trust that some time for this to be clear we will be shown what we don’t want for the contrast.

With that being said I am offering a special offer in February where you can get the Hormone Balance Chakra Course for 23% off in the year 2023 which is a whopping £33 off until Sunday 5th February.

If you follow the link here you can watch the 30 mins MASTERCLASS to see if the course is for you before you commit.

Have wonderful month!

Leigh xx

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