Need a little sweet treat for you or the kids after school. Try homemade jam on a slice of wheaten on on a pancake. I have a plum tree in my garden and the kids are always asking me to buy jam but I refuse as it’s full of sugar so I have made my own. Plum contains natural pectin so they are perfect for making tangy jam. They are also full of antioxidants which will help protect us from different types of cancers. Did you know that plums help in digestion of food as they are enriched with dietary fibre to help with constipation. Plums contain minerals like potassium and iron which are required for red blood cell formation to help keep our heart rate stable. Last but not least plums also contain different vitamin B complex compounds like niacin, vitamin B6 and phenolic acid compounds that break the carbohydrates, proteins and fats molecules and metabolise them helping us to stay slim.