In 2020 many souls experienced a massive ‘wake up’ call and started to consciously wake up to the truth of who they really were and what they were here to experience and do and this involved understanding that we have more than just one body and one mind that operate separate. We actually have 4 bodies; our physical body, our mental mind, or emotional body and our spiritual or soul self otherwise known as our higher or authentic self.
This course is a result of findings gathered from over 3000 one to one sessions with women aged 25-55 over a 5 year period from 2013-2018. Then in 2018 I held my first in person Hormone Balance Chakra Workshop and from that the demand for this online course was developed and ran LIVE three times from 2019 to 2021. This course has been tried and tested with over 100 women with the most amazing feedback below