October Vibes ‘Create your own Magic’

Power and Purpose seem to be big themes this October…we are entering a powerful 6 month block of energy that will fully manifest our dreams and desires by Easter 2020. September was about endings and for some we are still weeding the garden so stay focused and have trust and faith that your hard work will pay off. Heart Healing ❤️‍🩹 has been a big theme for the whole of 2021 in many different areas as this 2020 wake up call brought things to the surface for us to fully understand, accept and heal. October is about baby steps, not big leaps as our energy is tired but it doesn’t mean we don’t do anything or that we give up… please don’t give up, we are in the eye of the storm. Yes some are in boats, some in the water but we are in this together and have agreed it all. We have agreed to be here during this time in history for whatever reason so tune into that inspired / sacred action and get clarity on what that means for you. Oracle cards used: ‘Keepers of the Light’ by Kyle Gray, ‘Spirit Animal Wisdom’ by Katie-Jane Wright & Archangel Metatron Self Mastery by Amanda Ellis. Stay strong Leigh x

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