The last two weeks of March is a very powerful portal of high vibrational energies that are available to us now. I felt the guidance to bring through this channeled healing activation on the Spring Equinox, otherwise known as Eostre or Ostara as the Sun entered Aries, signalising the start of the astrological new year. This is, essentially the time for new beginnings, a time to start that new project or business or take a different life direction. This, coupled with the Full Moon ‘Lunar’ Eclipse 5 days later on Monday 25th March and then the rebirth energies of Easter 5 days after that plus with it being a leap year and a no. 8 year numerologically, we can expect some powerful ascension codes to help us heal and rise to align with higher timelines. Literally an old version of us wants to die or fall away. This is a lovely follow on activation from the 222 Dragon Activation called ‘Manifest’ in February where we will receive guidance and healing of the 8 chakra energy centres to be able to bring our manifested intentions into fruition but if you didn’t do the 222 portal activation that is still ok to start with this one and if you did then what a lovely follow on.
What is a Portal?
The Eostre – Eclipse – Easter Portal is a big one as it is a triple portal where we literally prepare our bodies and start to see the next steps for our manifested desires start to come to fruition. This is like a doorway that is opening to prepare us for the 888 triple portal in August (biggest one this year) and the full manifestion of your desires will come to fruition on the winter solstice in December.
The general themes for this triple portal and hence the reason for channeling this ACTIVATION are Re-birth, Transformation, Discipline, Responsibility, Integrity, Compassion, Renewal, Recalibration, Fertility, Abundance, Power, Heart & Liver healing forgiveness and anger.
The 3 energies of the Equinox, Eclipse and Easter will transmit activation light codes down through the planet and consequently through your crown no matter what so what I do isfacilitate, direct and hold a space for you to make the most of this powerful window of opportunity by releasing old energy and downloading/ integrating the new codes and upgraded your DNA for sacred action as April is the month for ACTION. These light codes trigger your DNA to activate forward movement, almost like a cosmic cleanse and detox that will ultimately release stuck emotions, patterns and feelings held in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. This activation has more of a nurture and healing effect than the others I have channelled so if you feeling it physically or emotionally this is perfect for you now. In this activation we journey with the Hare (rabbit) which symbolises mysticism, fertility and abundance to collect the eggs (symbolising birth, creation & the feminine) to place into each chakra as the healing plant based medicine that is mama cacao it literally nurture and heal our cells, filling our bodies up with light and drawing out the old beliefs, pattern, thoughts that will cause resistance to our new higher timeline that we have been tirelessly working towards.
What is the symbolic energy of Eostre, Eclipse & Easter?
Eostre or Ostara is the Goddess of Spring time and Fertility, another name is the Spring Equinox. In fact the name Easter comes from the name Eostre alongside the female hormone Estrogen which essentially helps the ovaries (our creation energy) release an egg. The animal associated with Ostara and this time of year is the Hare, which is an eternal symbol of the divine feminine and fertility because she can literally give birth and get pregnant at the same time making her very mysterious indeed so she turns up in this activation as our guide to help us activate our intuition and collect eggs (each holding a symbol with next steps) like a treasure hunt.
Spring is connected with the follicular stage of a woman’s cycle which is when the body is preparing to release an egg and also this represents our maiden or inner child or in males our youth so this is why starting something new at this time is important. Connecting with the energy of the solar plexus, of joy, of fun, exploration and wonder hence the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme as we have literally lost that unique part of our childhood which sets the tone for the rest of our life.
The organ related to the solar plexus is the liver and what do rabbits or hares eat – carrots, which is a great source of vitamin A and food for the liver hence why your liver might be needing a detox as we literally undergo an ego death and rebirth at Easter. Reduce or avoid dairy and sugar for a period of time to recalibrate, take sour or bitter foods like lemons, garlic and onions. The liver is the managing director of the body but can completely renew itself in 6 weeks. It is connected to the reproductive system and also eye health hence why our third eye is receiving an upgrade to so you may notice sinus issues or headaches. The emotion connected to the liver is anger so this emotion may also come up, especially as its eclipse season. An eclipse is known as the normal moon energy (which can be intense) on steroids, where big changes happen so events and triggers can feel massive to instil this change, which is always for our highest good. This is probably why the nourishing female plant medicine cacao comes into this activation to help us to heal our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as it calms the nervous system also.
As this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is in Libra relationships will be highlighted and justice. Easter symbolises rise of good over bad, justice over cruelty, hope over despair, life over death but it wont feel like that initially so it’s important to prepare and understand the energies hence the reason for this channelled light activation. This Eclipse opens a doorway much like the Equinox (Eostre and Easter doorway) that will close in 2 weeks at the next Solar Eclipse on the 8th April. There is the no 8 again which comes into this activation as we do a chakra balance and healing on the 8 chakras within the physical body including the altar major at the back of the neck. This moon is known as the pink moon hence the reference to relationships and the heart so forgiveness is a theme much like the theme of Easter. Lambs are another symbol of this time and are connected to sacrifice and taking that leap so with all these combined energies in one month alongside it being an 8 year and a leap year we will literally be taking a quantum leap so to speak into a new higher timeline or life trajectory but we wont see it just yet. We will simply feel the change so it’s important to ground which is what this activation does. It is very different to my previous ones which helped to welcome in and integrate the high vibrational codes, this one really grounds and heals our 4 bodies.
The good news is the sun is in Aries giving us assertive energy, independence and courage whilst the libra energy brings in balance complimenting the kundalini energy. Speaking of kundalini, which is our masculine and feminine life force energy that moves up through our spine so you might experience this physically or emotionally and if so please move with your inner child to process this energy (we do a dance in this activation to support this). The kundalini is connected to the snake, which can represent fears and self destructive patterns hence the sacfrice energy at this time. Connect with how you want your life to look, feel and be and ask yourself honestly what old pattern, behaviour or thought form needs to fall away or change in order to make this happen?
Lastly Easter Energies….as if we didn’t have enough going on, but please try and reframe all of this as a powerful opportunity to heal, upgrade and break free from the old. Yes it will feel de-stabilising for a while but then you will look back and feel the shift and change for the better and it will all be worth it so keep repeating this activation over the next 3 weeks. 3 words, transformation, resurrection and renewal. Butterfly’s are a powerful symbol at this time and I have been seeing them in my 1:1 sessions all week. In the Easter story Jesus emerged from the tomb which is like the cocoon much like you are or will emerge from your cocoon from the inner winter into spring. We mentioned the heart and the corresponding hormone gland is the thymus, which is a butterfly shaped gland, so many will be feeling a mucus build up wanting to release around this area so literally visualise the butterfly to help with this process. We make reference to eggs a lot in this activation. A symbol of rebirth, fertility and abundance. In this story the egg is also connected to Jesus breaking free from the tomb like a chick breaking out of its shell and you literally do this at the end of this activation as you step from the dark to the light.
What does the Easter activation entail?
We start off literally in the dark and I almost stopped the recording and then I remembered that we ended the 222 dragon portal activation in February in the dark so was shown us in a tomb or cocoon whatever you like to call it. Very symbolic from what I have tried to explain so far.
Many of us have been dimmed for years and subsequently we dim to fit in so we find a flicker of the light within as it has not been put out. When we find this light it grows and grows until we are able to be released through the door with the key (the ankh) which was around our neck the whole time. Symbolism for the answer always lies within.
As we walk down the corridor or symbolism for the void when we are in between death and rebirth we eventually come out into a beautiful garden where we are greeted by the Hare who takes us on a beautiful journey or treasure hunt to collect our gifts in the form of 8 eggs. One for each chakra.
Take some time here and repeat this activation a few times and you will be shown (if your intention is clear on what you want to manifest) symbols which denote or can be interpreted as next steps.
I spend about 15 mins explaining the energies at the start of this activation and then 45 mins are the actually healing codes.
Alice in Wonderland represents embracing the unknown, the power of imagination which is really our intuition, finding inner strength, the illusion of control, connection and unity and overcoming fear with love which are all themes echoing up at this time and we need our inner child to heal them so let him or her wonder and connect with them.
Each egg is then placed into our body for healing as it’s coated in ceremonial cacao. You don’t have to physically drink this wonderful plant based medicine to experience its healing effects although this is highly recommended also. Egg egg melts into a chakra, organ and hormone gland as we purge out the old and literally break out of our cocoon or egg at the end and fully step into our light and tru authentic self free from control.
This powerful feminine plant based medicine nourishes the soul and heals the heart. In ancient times on the wealthy and high society consumed this super food. It’s connected the the spirit of IXCHEL so we welcome her healing energy during this activation. You may have even found yourself craving chocolate recently but really it’s the connection to the divine, the feminine and the mother nourishment energy. Cacao also bring clarity, invite sin peace, fosters creativity,, enhances brain function, improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety, enhances energy and connects you fully to your authentic soul self.
Please understand that this activation is a deep healing one using various healing modalities such as shamanic healing, chakra balance, journeying, and reiki healing so rest afterwards ti integrate the energies, drinking plenty of water and eat grounding foods.
You can repeat this activation as many times as you wish and please give at least 3 months for your actual manifested desires to come into a physical form.
What is the Energy Exchange?
The energy exchange be for this powerful 60 minute Easter Portal Activation is £22.22 connected with the number 8 code.
Please drink plenty of water pre and post this activation and it contains powerful healing light codes that must be integrated and this can take up to 3-5 days so trust and listen to the body as it will tell you what it needs and does not need.
Lastly let me take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to hold this space and bring through this channeled activation. Please share this link with your friends if you enjoyed the experience.
NB: You will receive this activation in your inbox as soon as you complete the purchase or energy exchange and if you do not please check your junk and promotional folders.
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