Time to pause and recharge with the Tree of Life healing codes
Time to integrate your new divine masculine and feminine energies in June with the BIRTH of your POWER, otherwise known as your LIGHT. Time to return back to yourself, back to the garden, back to union of the self. A doorway (portal of light) opened on the 6th June 2024, when I recorded this channeled activation and healing meditation and now it is ready to be received in the week leading up to the summer solstice on the 21st June which happens to coincide with the full moon in Capricorn. The summer solstice (Litha) is the longest day or day with the most light. We have been building up to this event all year. 6 months of purging the old to realign with earths new template. In the last 5/5 Beltane activation we connected briefly with the original tree of life and now we step inside her to receive her powerful healing codes and DNA upgrade to help you move forward with the second half of 2024.
What is a Portal?
What is the symbolic energy of the Summer Solstice?
The summer solstice is a celebration of the return of the light. Your light, your power, your new divine masculine codes to help with your divine and sacred action. Beltane was the union of masculine and feminine and Litha (Summer Solstice) is the sacred marriage of God and Goddess of your masculine and feminine energies. We separated from the orginal garden of Eden in order to explore and find ourselves as separate entities not co dependant upon another and now it is time to return both fully whole parts. So what does this mean for your own life? If you have been doing the inner work then you will be guided to this activation and you are ready to move onto the next stage, to expand in a higher timeline. This is not easy, we go through spiritual tests or initiations so keep an eye it for trigger’s in June and be the observer of your story so you can understand the lesson and hidden meaning to move onto the next level. Your heart may be tested so choose you and that union within the self first by stay in the heart as others continue on their journey understanding that no one is wrong and everyone is different.
What is the meaning of no 6?
The codes connected to the number 6 are all about the heart and love; you are being asked to be the lover, nurturer and protector to yourself first and foremost and once that is mastered then you can help or guide others. The nurturer is the divine feminine and the protector is the divine masculine. Heaven and Earth, light and dark, intuition and logic, rest and action, create and protect. The no 6 is the lovers card in the tarot which is also known as a crossroads. Relationship issues could arise at this time with partners, friends, parents or with your inner child and you are being asked to be the compassionate observer, to be vulnerable (feminine), to stay in the heart and let down your guard understanding that no-one can truly harm you.
Many will reach a choice point and be required to set healthy boundaries and no longer give their power away, betraying the self and being co dependant as they fully birth their power and light.
What does the 66 Solstice Activation entail?
44 mins long with the first 12 mins explaining the energies at this time so you understand to heal at a deep level. The number 4 is connected to foundations so it’s interesting that we are connecting and receiving healing from the tree roots in this healing activation.
I recorded this activation on the 6/6 new moon portal and was shown a doorway opening up that will close fully on the 12/12 portal in December but peak during ions gate 888 triple portal in August as you fully step out of comfort zone and into courage.
We enter the forest (subconscious mind) and connect with the powerfully Oak tree connected to wisdom and expansion. We are guided to put down our armour and surrender any worries to pause and receive a recharge before we move forward into the second half of this year.
We meet Lilith, the ultimate dark feminine as she is the keeper of power. She activates you as your own creator and care giver much like a tree is. She teaches you to trust your own core power, to take the lead in your life and step into your higher soul self (authentic self).
In this healing activation we do something different and close your chakra energy centres much like turning off the phone to recharge it fully without distractions and we connect your roots into the tree’s roots for you to receive a download on how to proceed in the next 6 months.
Then we fall and surrender and arrive in the orginal garden of Eden which is fully abundant and available for you to receive from or fill up with.
Here I guide you to reflect in the last 6 months where you consider where, what or who you want to be in the next 6 months as we close out this no 8 year of power.
We connect and receive from the orginal tree of mui or inception from when it all began and activate our 12 strand DNA through the 12 chakra energy centres as we walk through the helix doorway to receive your upgrade.
I invite you here to get super clear on your intentions as your manifestation powers will be increase from here on in. I give you some time here in the garden to spend exploring and getting curious, meeting your guides, having much needed conversations with loved ones past and present and collecting symbolism to interpret and bring back with you.
You get a chance to meet your power animal also which is a pleasant surprise event to me and also meet the animal that wants to help you manifest your 6 months intentions at this time.
Last but not least the dragons make a powerful return as we awaken the dragon within each chakra as we open the chakra again before leaving the garden. If you remember from the 222 portal activations dragons are here to assist us, to lighten the load and are very grounding and special so trust them to help and support you as you come back into your body and back down to earth again.
Thank you for allowing me to be your guide during this 6/6 portal of light solstice activation.
Now go do you…
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