Online or in person available:

Soul Self Mastery(1:1 Sessions)

A Soul Self Mastery Consultation is perfect if you have a health or wellbeing goal or for many when you are not sure exactly you need but just know that your life and body are out of balance. This session is very relaxing to both body, mind and soul and is done over the phone in the comfort or your own home


Akashic Records (Soul Realignment) Clearing Session

The Akashic Records is like a book of your soul’s records. It’s an energetic database that stores all information about all choices that your soul has every made over many lifetimes. I visualise it as a book because that is the human interpretation for understanding but it goes way beyond anything that we could every comprehend from a human perspective.


Reiki Training Attunements

I am passionate about you being your own teacher and healer so I offer regular Reiki 1, 2 and Master Teacher courses in person throughout the year. We all have access to these powerful gifts and healing abilities that we have used for many lifetimes that simply need to be awakened and remembered. I can attune you to the frequency of Reiki level 1, 2 or master/ teacher so you can step into your power as a healer.

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Consult the Oracle

In ancient times priestesses such as ourselves consulted an oracle to help them understand what was going on for them presently and tap into the energy to come to help them better navigate life. An oracle is also known as a place where people went to ask questions and received an answer.


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