So I have been vegetarian now for 9 days and I am loving it. My energy was quite low for the first 5 days but once you get past that detox period the whole body just feels lighter and cleaner. I would encourage anyone to do what I did and reduce red meat or source an organic supplier, cut back on chicken and pork especially and eat more fish to begin with and then make that leap as you wont regret it. I love my slow cooker as you know and this veggie concoction did not disappoint. Lentils are known as a powerhouse of nutrition because they are a great source of potassium, calcium, zinc, niacin, vitamin k, dietary fibre, lean protein, folate and iron. If you experience any flatulence this will subside as your body adjusts to this new power food. They lower cholesterol, reduce the risk from heart disease, improve digestive health, stabilise blood sugar, help with weight loss and increases our energy.