Bee your own Queen Workshop Series

A series of 3 soul-self care workshops providing you with the awareness, knowledge, tools and practices to integrate simply and SOULFULLY into your daily life.

You will feel more calmness, clarity, freedom, understanding, acceptance and motivated about your life, next steps and the future.

Welcome to my Bee your own Queen workshop series 1.  When creating this series I connected directly with source to identity what would help people right now and also wanted to address and answer questions I have been asked recently so these areas presented themselves:
  1. Inner child and understanding triggers and how to heal and integrate them
  2. How to connect with our Intuition and creating a daily sacred practice
  3. Understanding our purpose and how to stay in our power
The details for each workshop are outlined below.  Yes I highly recommend doing all 3 but it really just depends on where you are on your journey but they certainly took me through much deeper layers of healing which I thought I had done as the facilitator of them.

These workshops are designed as a entry in understanding the self more and how to really up our Soul Care as a next level up from Self Care.

Self Care is not a new concept, in fact I feel the message and energy of self care and ‘me time’ or ‘treating yourself’ has got diluted and misunderstood over the years as too much focus has been on the outside physical body. Yes going on holiday or vacation, getting a manicure, meeting up with friends, exercising, shopping for nice things like clothes, eating good food is all important but it is only part of the whole self.  Self Care is exactly what it says; taking care of yourself.  It is defined as the practice of consciously doing things that preserve or improve your mental or physical health so this is why I am introducing a new word and concept, Soul Care to bring the emotional and spiritual or soulful aspects in so you can make conscious choices about your whole wellbeing that doesn’t require a huge amount of time, or money, that integrate into your life effortlessly but that is dripped in commitment to self and self love.
In episode 2 of my podcast The Honey Temple; Bee your own damn Queen I address the concept that we have 4 bodies; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual or what I am now calling soulful as I feel the word spiritual can be confusing and fearful for some people as it hasn’t been explained and has many connotations. When you understand, heal and address all 4 bodies with daily awareness and practice, by identifying the source of your reaction, low emotion or physical symptom then you finally come home to self and be the leader in your own life, which is what I mean by taking your power back so you are in the driving seat and ultimately being YOUR OWN QUEEN.

Each workshop lasts 2 hours and involves:

1) Information pertaining to the topic using a presentation, which you also get a copy of so you don’t have to take notes

2) Interactive reflection tasks in your journal which we pause to complete together

3) A Meditation journey to help you connect, activate & integrate at a sub/super conscious level

4) Follow up material to practice with at home in your own time
I designed this series around the female archetype/ female body and the stages we go through each month with our cycle and throughout our lifetime as a divine feminine being; maiden (inner child), mother, priestess (wild woman), crone (wise woman).

As women as are made up of these 3 aspects of self; our maiden is our inner child from age 0-18, our mother energy is the creatrix, when we start to either create a physical child or a life, a business, a home and our crone is our wisdom, our wild woman, our authenticity.

Our crone self is split into our wild woman priestess self, where we are no longer a princess waiting for someone to save us but a priestess, standing fully but gracefully in our power and knowing who we are, what our purpose is and the steps we need to do daily to full embody our queen-hood. She ultimately is our soul self, she has strong boundaries, she has clarity, she is real but she is also compassionate for herself and others and she doesn’t wait for someone to save her or tell her what is right for her. She sounds great doesn’t she. Well she is you and she has been there all along. So lets go meet her.

When we understand, connect and nourish these 4 parts of self each month and tune into our intuitive cyclical nature to allow it to guide us daily life become transformative

Bee your own Queen Workshop Series

Access all 3 of our soul-self care workshops providing you with the awareness, knowledge, tools and practices to integrate simply and soulfully into your daily life.




Inner Child Healing & Integration

The inner child concept is the foundation for healing.

We are not aware that these fragmented parts of self are around us daily, either trapped in trauma or simply sad and holding feelings of not being enough, anger, frustration, hurt, fear etc

As we go about our day we can have great intentions only to fall short and nothing gets done, or we feel overwhelmed or exhausted. This is because a) we are not looking after our soul care enough and b) our inner child is craving our attention, our love, our understanding and wants to come back home.
I designed this workshop to help you connect deeper to that part of yourself that is still around, that playful, fun, creative aspect that wants to break free from the chains of being that good girl, hiding who she truly is to fit in with the world. There is a lot of information in it so take you time over it, go back and forth with it and repeat the exercises and meditation journey as a when you need or feel an emotional reaction taking hold to gain understanding of it’s source.

How to remove resistance & understand triggers

• 4 body concept; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual
• Understanding the conscious, subsconscious & superconscious mind
• Feminine & Masculine energy
• Exercise: ‘Who am 1’
• 4 stages of the feminine
• Meditation Journey to meet your inner children, detoxify your system, heal a recent trigger and integrate the energy
• Follow up activities & practices

The inner child:

• Find you core human need that drives your decision making process
• Understanding a trigger & how to recognise & heal & integrate them
• Exercise: understanding a recent trigger
• How to connect to the inner child
• Inner child wounding & beliefs
• Exercise: Timeline (meet you inner children)

If the inner child is something you are keen to connect with, understand and heal all you simply have to do is click the link to purchase below and you will receive the link to the workshop that will never expire and the presentation so you do not have to take notes.

NB: This workshop recording contains healing activations codes as well as information and someone to hold a space for you to connect with your subconscious and super conscious mind or soul self.

Only £33


Your Intuition & Soul Self

In workshop 2 we explore our mother energy and that of creation and intuition. This is not to be confused with being a mother.

Yes that can be part of it but essentially this stage starts when you leave school and start a career, starting to create your own life but this stage also looks at parenthood and creating a physical child and the massive effects this has on the body, mind and soul because it is so powerful.

“We are pressured to have the maiden body, life & mindset but were not fulfilling our duties here to be the divine feminine if we do not go through all the stages” Mandy Moon
All 3 stages have what’s called a shadow side and light side; which is really because we have not been taught this in schools and how to balance. The shadow side of the mother energy (ie when it is not in balance) you can display qualities of being over protective, co dependant, lack of self care or soul care, controlling, abandoning (self usually), exhaustion and overwhelm.
Whereas how we are meant to feel in the creative mother stage is ripe, fertile. Flowing with ideas, sexual, powerful, loving, nurturing & committed (to self).

So in this workshop we explore:

• The Creator Self
• Morning pages exercise to allow creativity to flow
• Symbolism and protecting your energy field
• Mother archetype; it’s affects & how to move through it with ease
• How to access your intuition on a daily basis & which is your gift
• Why & how to create a daily sacred space
• Journey to meet, connect and listen to our higher selves and start the birthing process of the new you
• Other practices and tools to do at home; affirmations, oracle, books, cacao

If you are interested in doing this workshop as a stand alone or I would highly recommend the bundle of 3 as the shifts you will experience them working together is powerful.

So what you will receive is;

• Workshop link to video (will never be deleted)
• PowerPoint Presentation Link
• A4 Cacao Leaflet ‘Sacred Daily Practice’

Only £33


Your Power & Purpose

In this 3rd workshop we explore, connect and fully embody our wild woman priestess energy and our wise woman crone aspect of self.

It’s important to understand that as women as we get older and go through the peri-menopause and menopause stages arnold part of us dies (our maiden) and we beciome fully alive in a more sexual mature way that jiust feels so good.

“Crone sexual response is no longer estrogen dependent as in the maiden & mother stages, nor limited by the cycles of progesterone as with mother pregnancy & birth. If she chooses, she can use sexuality to serve a higher purpose by receiving divine inspiration & connecting to source”

Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality

Crone energy is really about stepping to into your balance masculine and feminine energy where fully balance your intuition and your logic, you flow and your action because it is often the crone energy that really changes the world.

• Priestess/Crone characteristics
• Overview of the maiden.mother, crone aspects
• Exercise: past, present, future self
• Ascension & void symptoms
• Death & Rebirth
• Earth Grids & Portals
• Exercise: connect with an Earth Chakra
• Stepping into your cronehood:
• Chakra energy system
• Hormone glands
• How to rebalance your chakras
• Creating Healthy Boundaries
• Staying in your power
• Menopause
• Purpose & knowing your divine gift
• Meditation Journey with your whole self to see your light

We will then take a break before going on a meditative journey to meet your past, present & future selves and then step through a new doorway, fully in our light, knowing what your divine gift (purpose) is to make the necessary next steps.

NB: This workshop recording contains healing activations codes as well as information and someone to hold a space for you to connect with your subconscious and super conscious mind or soul self.

Only £33