Inner Child Healing & Integration
The inner child concept is the foundation for healing.
We are not aware that these fragmented parts of self are around us daily, either trapped in trauma or simply sad and holding feelings of not being enough, anger, frustration, hurt, fear etc
As we go about our day we can have great intentions only to fall short and nothing gets done, or we feel overwhelmed or exhausted. This is because a) we are not looking after our soul care enough and b) our inner child is craving our attention, our love, our understanding and wants to come back home.
I designed this workshop to help you connect deeper to that part of yourself that is still around, that playful, fun, creative aspect that wants to break free from the chains of being that good girl, hiding who she truly is to fit in with the world. There is a lot of information in it so take you time over it, go back and forth with it and repeat the exercises and meditation journey as a when you need or feel an emotional reaction taking hold to gain understanding of it’s source.
How to remove resistance & understand triggers
• 4 body concept; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual
• Understanding the conscious, subsconscious & superconscious mind
• Feminine & Masculine energy
• Exercise: ‘Who am 1’
• 4 stages of the feminine
• Meditation Journey to meet your inner children, detoxify your system, heal a recent trigger and integrate the energy
• Follow up activities & practices
The inner child:
• Find you core human need that drives your decision making process
• Understanding a trigger & how to recognise & heal & integrate them
• Exercise: understanding a recent trigger
• How to connect to the inner child
• Inner child wounding & beliefs
• Exercise: Timeline (meet you inner children)
If the inner child is something you are keen to connect with, understand and heal all you simply have to do is click the link to purchase below and you will receive the link to the workshop that will never expire and the presentation so you do not have to take notes.
NB: This workshop recording contains healing activations codes as well as information and someone to hold a space for you to connect with your subconscious and super conscious mind or soul self.
Only £33