11:11 Portal of Mastery; What it means for you….

Time to wake up and remember with the wake up code 1111

Time is unfold with the teal rose and reveal your true authentic soul self. It’s time.  It’s time to remember, it’s time to manifest, it’s time to unveil your true authentic soul self and be free.  11th November (11:11) is a wake up code, an ascension code, a Goddess code, a remembering of who you are at that deep soul level.  It is known as the Lemurian New Year, a heart based feminine civilisation and Christ consciousness that is ready to be awakened with you. The question is are you ready?

What is a Portal?

An energetic doorway or gateway to an expanded state of consciousness that opens up for a period of time to allow you to connect with that higher timeline that you have called in.  The 11:11 codes started coming in on the 1st November and reach their peak on the 11th seeing us in this powerful corridor, cocoon, void ,womb until the 22nd when it starts to wain towards the end of the month. See it like an opportunity to ride the wave assisting you in manifesting your dreams, desires & intentions in a big way with this one.  We are one soul that has many fragmented parts due to many different lifetimes and these hold hidden or dormant gifts that will be returned to you during these portals when you are ready and if you claim them.  
This year (2024) more than any other there are an enormous amount of light codes incoming from the sun as its reaches solar maximum, hence why the weather and Mother Earth is reacting also.  Our bodies are quite dense but as we evolve collectively and personally we are able to receive, hold and maintain more light in our bodies than ever before but that does mean we will release and detox from the physical and mental bodies. These light codes trigger your DNA to activate forward movement, almost like a cosmic cleanse that will ultimately release stuck emotions, patterns and feelings held in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body that are holding you back from abundance.
I recorded an activation (available here in my events section) whereby I act as your guide and hold a space for you to release the old sabotaging behaviour, thought patterns and beliefs holding you back from your truest desires and goals.  This is your opportunity to stop and be held in a protective space to allow all parts of you to align to the energies and light available to you during this powerful month of receiving and integration. We receive many codes with month, namely the master code, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.  2 and 8 are feminine, 1, 4 & 11 are masculine and 3 is union so you may feel tired, irritable, over stimulated, over active mind or physical pain in the body we specially with the perfectly timed Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th and Pluto changing signs a few days later ending a massive Karmic cycle globally. 

What is the energy of this year’s 11:11 portal?

When I recorded this month’s energy update here on my You Tube channel I simply heard the words ‘Say No in NOvember so you can Remember’ the rest is revealed in that video so it’s the perfect preparation for this activation as I continue many of the themes that were presented.  Numbers are codes and every number is a journey, an answer and a question both simultaneously.  Numerology the ancient science of numbers originates back to ancient Egypt, the lost land of Lemuria and fallen city of Atlantis.  In fact the 11th of November is the Lemurian New year.  A heart centred, high vibrational feminine civilisation that was destroyed 000s of years ago as the world wasn’t ready but now it is.  The Lemurian codes ad frequencies are held within our DNA and in this activation you receive the special Lemurian quartz crystal like a key unlocking these codes in the back of your neck.

This area of the body, as I explain in this activation is very sacred and special. It is known as the mouth of the God and Goddess from a spiritual point of view called the Alta Major Chakra (8th) or from a physical point of view the vagus nerve which governs the nervous system for the whole body.  It is also connected directly to your Akashic field and past lives making it the gateway to our higher soul selves and when cleared and in balance (which we do in this activation) we are able to tap into that higher WISDOM,  consciousness & understanding.  

It is the colour of Teal (mix of blue & green) hence why we unfold into and receive teachings from the Teal coloured ROSE which connects us to Heaven and Earth same as during the Lemurian time.  This will open you up to that higher timeline, provide much needed stability, growth and above all clarity on your purpose which you have been asking for.

The number 1 looks like an I so for each 1 I am seeing and hearing 4 words; INITIATION, INTUITION, INSIGHT & INTEGRITY

The 11:11 is a powerful cosmic event that offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and manifestation but in order to truely manifestation you must heal the shadow that is being reflected back to you through your relationships, triggers and behaviours.  The no. 11 is literally the no.1 looking in the mirror after all and with it being Scorpio season after all this makes sense that we would break out of our scorpion shells of fear this month as we step forward with the masculine codes of 1, 4 and 11 which will be fully manifested into our reality by the Summer Solstice next year (2025).  Scorpio season which conveniently ends on the 22nd of November, along with the 11:11 portal will bring up all that has been buried deep for release so you can stand firmly on your highest timeline to receive these upgraded light codes of creation, courage and confidence.

What does the 11:11 Portal Activation entail?

As with all channelled activations its is very complex to explain.  I trust that those souls who are meant to find this will.

The first 20 mins I explain the energy and symbolism which you can repeat many times throughout the month so you can relate this to your own life experiences.  The music is quite loud in the beginning until 11mins funny enough to really activate and awakened energy with you then it slows down until fully stopping after 30 mins so you can go quite deep and visualise.

I am a natural channel, shamanic & reiki healer, akashic record practitioner and activator, which means you will find me when you are ready…whats that saying ‘When the student is ready the teacher appears’.  My activations are like shamanic journeys which are highly visual to help you understand and connect at that deeper level.  I will provide short pauses for you to receive your own guidance but please feel free to pause me at anytime throughout and journal.

We start at the sea and enter a whirl pool, spiral, rose much like Alice in Wonderland falling down the hole until we reach a temple which is where we left off in the last activation.

Much like sleeping beauty although instead of Prince Charming waking you up, you WAKE YOU UP.

The Goddess Venus steps forward in all her splendour and presents us with the Lemurian Quartz Seed Crystal to place into the back of our neck, alta major chakra to balance and activate this powerful area as mentioned earlier.  Venus is our divine feminine selves so take time to really see, connect and feel her love before meeting Stag headed God Cernunnos our divine masculine selves.

We are meeting our future self who is always available so practice connecting with him or her after with activation on a daily basis as he/she will be a great daily guide to you going forward & will keep you right as use walk through the 11:11 portal doorway together.

There is a long corridor or void that you walk through as the old versions of you come up to be cleared so you may feel this for 11 days post this activation as this filters through our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and this can show up as tiredness, dehydration physical pain, mental anguish, suppressed emotions like irritability, anger, grief etc so simply trust and allow this detoxification process hence why you pull your energy back and go within in November saying no to people, places and things that you just don’t feel like doing, no reason needed.

Then we enter a garden and walk through a Labyrinth, which has been used for centuries in Native American culture representing birth and rebirth as you transition from one world to the next, which is literally what this 11:11 portal provides, that higher timeline so be clear in your intentions.  The Labyrinth is also known as an Initiation which is not easy hence why this activation will not call to everyone as it chooses you when you are ready to uplevel onto a certain spiritual path.  Labyrinths are not designed to be challenging like a Maze but it may initially feel that way as you do the inner work but once you get to the centre and reach your goal the effort will be worth it as your feminine and masculine selves finally reunite meaning you can finally MANIFEST from that MASCULINE MASTERY.

Much love and blessings to you and I am truly honoured to be your guide….


Leigh xx

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