Welcome to my monthly energy update. In todays episode we look at the energies for September 2023. August was a powerhouse of a month and unearthed some unsettling energy so I’m September we are being asked to stabilise, ground and heal at the root / base chakra level. We are fully supported in all aspects to go deep within and look at what previously we have not been ready to look at and heal. Issues around relationship may come up as Venus comes out of retrograde or career as we may find we can no longer wear a mask or inauthenticity. As we start the month with a super blue full moon in Pisces it will feel super charged so go with it and release and let go whats no longer servicing. As I explain in this episode or video open that cupboard, room or drawer symbolically speaking where we have stuffed things down. Take time to clean up our physically and energetic space alongside our internal body and mind. Stepping into our power and being the car rather than the dog is also a major theme, taking responsibility and being in that logical ‘king of swords’ energy to ultimate make our wishes and dreams come true. To read more or sign up for The Hormone Balance Chakra Course click the Knick below 👇 https://soulselfmastery.com/courses/ Leigh xx