October Portal of FIRE ACTIVATION ‘Receiving divine masculine wisdom codes’


Time to experience your final death as you close out a major karmic cycle of self sabotage and step into your true power and wisdom

October is the month associated with death, culminating with Samhain (Halloween) festivities at the end of the month, essentially marking the end of a year (and wow what a year).  The 1st November welcomes our rebirth as we step through the 11:11 portal fully in our power and as our new soul self mastery versions.  Samhain is one of the 8 sabbats of the year, 8 seasons so to speak, the original Halloween but with its true spiritual meaning held in tact.  This year we have the opportunity to upgrade and receive our cronehood fully stepping out and forward as our balanced divine masculine selves whether you are male or female.  The number 10 is the final ending and Samhain is the final harvest before we reap what we sow.  It contains a 1 for new beginnings (representing the divine masculine) and a 0 for completion (representing the womb of creation and our divine feminine).  Are you ready??