Time to experience your final death as you close out a major karmic cycle of self sabotage and step into your true power and wisdom
October is the month associated with death, culminating with Samhain (Halloween) festivities at the end of the month, essentially marking the end of a year (and wow what a year). The 1st November welcomes our rebirth as we step through the 11:11 portal fully in our power and as our new soul self mastery versions. Samhain is one of the 8 sabbats of the year, 8 seasons so to speak, the original Halloween but with its true spiritual meaning held in tact. This year we have the opportunity to upgrade and receive our cronehood fully stepping out and forward as our balanced divine masculine selves whether you are male or female. The number 10 is the final ending and Samhain is the final harvest before we reap what we sow. It contains a 1 for new beginnings (representing the divine masculine) and a 0 for completion (representing the womb of creation and our divine feminine). Are you ready??
What is a Portal?
What is the energy of Samhain?
Every year the world dresses up and celebrates their shadow selves without even realising what they are doing. As the ancient ways return and we start to remember our true authentic selves so does our divine gifts and as this is a wisdom portal and activation we have the opportunity to achieve true soul self mastery and leave the old self sabateaur behind truely nice and for all in the shadows. Samhain known as the Sabatt of death marks the end of the old year an the beginning of a new cycle as it’s important to look back, reflect and review whats has worked and what has not as you approach a new cycle. It is known as the final harvest as the Goddess (our feminine selves) comes into full circle as the crone whilst the God (our masculine selves) travels to the underworld to learn his wisdom for his rebirth at Yule (Christmas).
Crone means ‘Crown’ as our crown chakras open up during this activation to receive these wisdom codes as we move from our mother energy of mothering others to our power and purpose as the crone or another aspect is the witch or Hag.
Our divine masculine selves has went through a bit of an overhaul and must rest in his final resting place as new divine masculine codes are birthed on the planet due to the high level of consciousness and ascension being experienced at this time and particularly this year.
If you are male then the crone equivalent is the Sage so trust the process and rest to receive as your body will feel tired this month as the old parts of the self and the shadow die and fall away. ou may literally feel like an old man or woman and this is why so surrender and receive the wisdom before you act in November.
What does the Samhain FIRE Activation entail?
As I mentioned earlier I was guided to record this activation on the day of the Fiery Full Moon in Aries. The Aries energy is al about Action and Confidence, hence why the last activation was lions gate as the lion and lioness makes an appearance in this one. However we are not being guided to take action just yet as an old version or vibration must literally die or fall away otherwise we will simply repeat old patterns and this is what the activation essentially is ‘A Shamanic Healing’
The first 15mins I explain the energy at this time so that you understand fully what is happening as this will make the healing more powerful and complete.
In this months October energy reading here I talk a lot about the womb, which is symbolism for a cave and a cauldron so we start this activation in our cave but I am shown this visually as a haunted house. This represents our body so be prepared for a full body healing and activation.
We call in the elemental (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) dragons to help clean up our house so to speak a they are here to serve us.
In each room there is an old version of you that is holding an old / false belief that is holding you back in this lifetime so allow each dragon and element in to heal and clear. I am channelling reiki healing which is why you can hear me yawning.
Our inner teenager holds the key, in fact I refer to him or her as your divine masculine energy no matter your sex.
In this activation we reconnect with him or her around a fire circle int he basement of our house (base chakra) as this was an important part of your life that was suppressed and misunderstood.
We welcome the fire Goddess Brigid and her Cauldron to alchemise the old into the new, dark into light. Reflect back from age 13 to 19 via a timeline to really allow you to go deeper and heal old wounds coming up from the shadows at this time. Some things that could come up at this time are hormones, anger, rebellion, bullying, body image, shame, guilt etc.
I invite you to set intentions at this time and invite all your guides, angels and ancestors to surround you as the Goddess Ixchel steps forward with her healing/heart opening cacao.
Then enters the honey bee to stitch up any holes in your auric field with their golden thread of light before you rest in your crystal healing cocoon.
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