Have you been feeling very stuck & unmotivated lately?
Like you know what needs done to move forward but all parts of you have not been ready. Well you are not alone. 2023 was a year of cleansing. Cleansing of thousands of years of collective and individual trauma, shadow and power plays to allow us all to move into a new heart centred Earth. The first 4 months of 2024 has not been much better, in fact I am hearing they have been the final purge. The number 4 is about foundations. We have literally been clearing out from the base chakra old ancestral fears, traumas and wounds that have kept us in a fear based paradigm that was brought to a head like a volcano in 2020 with the great awakening. That was a leap year and 4 years later (yes that number again which is also connected to stabilisation) in 2024 we have another leap year which is assisting us in quantum leaping into our highest timeline so holding your dreams, desires and intentions at this time is very important which I take you through in this activation.
Beltane, otherwise known as Beltaine is a FIRE FESTIVAL that unites the feminine and masculine energies within. Beltane means ‘bright fire’ and marks the beginning of summer and the sun which is our masculine energy of action. This is a traditional Celtic celebration almost like a sacred marriage between the masculine and feminine, the God and Goddess of Fertility to celebrate their union and this will be reflected back on an individual basis which I explain in detail at this start of this powerful activation. Fire is action, fire is the masculine, fire either creates or destroys and if suppressed can show up as inflammation in the physical body, anger or frustration in the emotional body or inaction in our lives until we embrace the fire. In this activation we enter a cave and reunite with the divine masculine collectively and individually, who have been suppressed since the split at the Garden of Eden and now we return to the garden, to innocence and awaken the true divine masculine codes and soul blueprint that are based in true heart based consciousness and are required to form New Earth so get ready for such a forward momentum and allow me to hold space for you and help you integrate these energies and awaken these divine masculine codes of action and divine feminine codes of creation.
What is a Portal?
What is the symbolic energy of Beltane?
Beltane rings in the Bell of change as does the no 5. It is the time of year where the God and Goddess are equal in power but more so this year than any other with it being a no 8 year of balance. It’s a time of sacred union and fertility so connect with these energies and what is birthing within you at this time as you will need both your feminine energy of creation, flow and rest and your masculine energy of action, logic and protection to move forward successfully. In this activation we reconnect with our feminine and masculine selves and unite them in a sacred union or ceremony before calling in all the parts or soul fragments that are disintegrated and causing resistance to moving forward with ease. We do a sacred dance around the maypole and each disintegrated parts take a coloured ribbon based on that chakra or area of the body that is out of balance before being crowned.
Connect with all the signs and symbols of Beltane at this time and be aware that fire energy when suppressed is anger or irritation so this may come up with those around you and rather than blaming them acknowledge that active vibration within you at this time that is coming up for healing.
Connect with the animals of Beltane; the wolf (true authentic self, the wild and healing the heart chakra which is the bridge between the upper and lower), the cow (mother wound and mother’s milk by drinking cacao and holding that sacred space for others), the honey bee and connecting with the sweetness of life, the sun, queen energy and community or tribe and of course the cauldron which comes into this activation and is know as the womb of the great mother.
What is the numerology of the number 5?
The codes connected to the number 5 are that of change and transformation, assisting us to go with the flow as we move from survival mode to striving mode, stabilising our energy and nervious system, which is something our ancestors have struggled with. The no 5 helps us be flexible and adapt to different environments and social situations and teaches us the importance of being flexible and aligning with the present moment. In the last activation at Easter we saw the theme of Alice In Wonderland and Alice embraced her curiosity and little did I know then that this would be preparing us for this 55 activation as the no 5 code is all about variety and exciting new experiences and craves freedom & adventure whilst allowing the winds of change to take us where it may in May so we must let go of the need to know and control. This will come up in our triggers with the world around us and our closest relationships.
As will all energy including numbers and codes there us a shadow aspect to be aware of.
1. Non Committal; the need for freedom and change can cause us to get bored easily so be aware of this as boredom is where creativity is born.
2. Unreliable; This energy can cause attention issues, difficulty in focusing and being easily distracted so find a balance.
3. Directionless; Lack of focus can cause us to waste time on things, people and energy on what is not serving us and then we miss out on opportunities so stay in your lane and pull back you energy for now.
The no. 5 is also connected to the Leo energy encouraging us to step into leadership with a sense of fun and be courageous. The no. 5 card of the tarot is the Hierophant in the who comes into the activation and guides us through the door of enlightenment and helps us shift from an old way of thinking.
What does the 55 Beltane Portal activation entail?
We begin in the forest (the subconscious mind) and walk through a door way into the Garden of Eden, where is all begun. The separation of this union of masculine and feminine. We get to experience and feel the divine feminine Venus energy of harmony and balance before the fall into ego. We stand under a waterfall of light and receive the most beautiful healing reiki cleanse before stepping behind the waterfall and into the cave to meet the divine masculine who is now ready to emerge.
He steps forward with a strong but gentle energy and the masculine plant based medicine that is Rape. A shamanic sacred tobacco that clears your auric field, helps with focus and sharpens the mind to help you step forward with ease and direction.
He draws the 55 doorway with this sacred tobacco and we receive its high frequency codes to assist us with massive change, expansion, growing with the flowing and aligning with the present moment. The no 5 is also connected to the throat chakra so you may be feeling a clearing in this area before or after the activation, especially now mercury is moving direct so you will feel free to be the fullest expression of who you truly are at soul level and how we bridge our hearts vibration into action.
We finish this section with Ceremonial Cacao to really integrate fully into our hearts.
The Hierophant steps forward and guides us through another doorway into service and leadership and encourages us to drop the old ways of thinking and ego leadership so that what you step into or towards is of new earth consciousness and heart centred.
The vibration of the Tree of Life is wanting to realign with us at this time. Especially if you are called to this activation as you are one of the ones who will hold its high vibrational frequency and Each one of us will hold our own and together create a network of scared energies to help earth expand and evolve into more light and thus returning to the garden of Eden or Venus, where it all began. The original tree at the beginning of time was located with the pyramids of Egypt stand so we continue walking towards a pyramid tent like structure guarded by the lion and lioness Leo energy and there we dance and face those parts of us in resistance to our highest timeline and abundance.
The next part is the labyrinth which in itself represents a winding oath or journey which many of you have been on for the last 14 years i am hearing as we complete this tough karmic cycle. Labyrinths have been used for thousands of years as to old got introspection, self discovery and transformation. The Minotaur or bull (Taurus energy) connected to Greek mythology makes itself known as we slay the 7 deadly sins to get to the centre and our truth and additional knowledge that we are ready to receive.
Saraswati emerges through the music as the Goddess of self knowledge, rivers, music and arts to help remove any obstacles or creativity blocks so you are a clear conduit going forward and much more.
I encourage you to repeat this activation many times.
What is the Energy Exchange?
The energy exchange be for this powerful 105 minute 55 Beltane Portal Activation is £22.55 connected (22 is expansion and masculine/ feminine)
Please drink plenty of water pre and post this activation and it contains powerful healing light codes that must be integrated and this can take up to 3-5 days so trust and listen to the body as it will tell you what it needs and does not need.
Lastly let me take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to hold this space and bring through this channeled activation. Please share this link with your friends if you enjoyed the experience.
NB: You will receive this activation in your inbox as soon as you complete the purchase or energy exchange and if you do not please check your junk and promotional folders.
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