What is a Portal?
What is the energy of the December Portals?
If you prefer a video format (as I do rather than read words) see the link to my December energy reading here. In a nutshell we are being asked to DETACH from drama, learn how to SELF REGULATE and stay in a place of LOVE & compassion at this time hence why Kuan Yin supports us in this healing activation. 2024 is a number 8 year of power, balance and abundance and if you have being working away then these energies must align with you. Samhain (Halloween) was the death of an old self sabotaging part of us and since then, whether you have been aware of it or not, we have been in an inner winter or inner darkness so to speak.
This month we have had the 12:12 which was quite heavy as we complete a 12 year cycle.
Then we had the Winter Solstice other wise known as Yule on the 21st (21:12). See the code as we upgrade from the 11:11 doorway to the 21:12 doorway fully supported in our feminine container.
The Winter Solstice is the most powerful moment of the year known as a SACRED GATEWAY. It’s the longest day of the year, a day with the most darkness allowing us to go deep into our darkness to be free from fear. In this activation I take you deep into your darkness in your heart and base chakra known as the womb in females and the tomb in males.
At this time we see the birth of the sun, of the light, your light. Religious teaching has take this ancient story of death and rebirth and made it what we know today as the BIRTH of CHRIST hence the no. 3 code of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS energy. The birth of the SON see the similarities/ SUN & SON. A new divine masculine energy is being born within us all and with that our new divine feminine can also rise to meet the masculine to really bring your dreams and desires into fruition.
The solstice aligns with the NORTH NODE at the time which is in the sign of ARIES presenting us with a choice point; Will you choose LOVE or FEAR? As we release karmic lessons, claim our freedom and call back our power.
The SOUTH NODE is in LIBRA and is asking us ‘What are you walking away from?’ With this being in Libra it means no more self sacrifice and putting others needs before your own, no more people pleasing and choosing to stay silent tot keep a false peace.
I recorded this on the 22nd a double master feminine energy and a number of expansion connected to the planet Jupiter.
What does the December Portal Activation entail?
As with all channelled activations its is very complex to explain. I trust that those souls who are meant to find this will.
This activation was much longer than my other at 75mins and believe me I could have kept going as I feel its nice to end this year with some extra support.
The first 25 mins I explain the energy and symbolism which you can repeat many times throughout the month so you can relate this to your own life experiences.
The healing activation is a real treat and is about 50 mins.
I am a natural channel, shamanic & reiki healer, akashic record practitioner and activator, which means you will find me when you are ready…whats that saying ‘When the student is ready the teacher appears’. My activations are like shamanic journeys which are highly visual to help you understand and connect at that deeper level. I will provide short pauses for you to receive your own guidance but please feel free to pause me at anytime throughout and journal.
We start in the forest which is the Subconscious Mind. At first it appears that we are all alone until the an animals make themselves known. As we walk deeper the most beautiful STAG appears in front of us and bows down presenting his or her ANTLERS. We place these on our head like a CROWN to help with the divine downloads and light codes at this time.
We then walk further and meet our two main guides BRIGID & CERRUNOS.
Brigid is the Goddess of fire, of wholeness, of spring and the ultimate ALCHEMIST helping to turn our fears into love, our doubts into abundance and false beliefs into truths. She is known as the saint of Holy Wells hence why she immediately transports you to CHALICE WELL in Glastonbury (the heart chakra of the world).
CERRUNOS is the God of fertility. The green man and his two aspects are the Stag King and the Holy King (whom we know to be Santa Claus). He is that life force energy of passion and sensuality that wants to support you as your divine masculine to birth something new.
We enter the well of WELLBEING and then to our HEARTS and WOMB in females or TOMB (base chakra) in males so that is activation is for both at this time.
Mama Cacao otherwise known as IXCHEL turns up as the true midwife that she is to cut out the old roots to your issues and what is holding you back at this time in your inner darkness.
KUAN YIN poured her healing waters over you and cut cords to old energy, particularly from previous sexual partner with her willow branch.
The 4 elemental dragons make a return with their FIRE, AIR, WATER & EARTH energy to clear out the base chakra where we hold fears.
You are given the opportunity to set goals and intentions for 2025 before receiving gifts and healing energy from the 3 wise men/magi or kings. In fact one was a Queen.
This part is the most powerful as GOLD was poured into your being for protection, wealth, renewal, strength, happiness & wisdom. FRANKINCENSE was breathed in like a smoke to purify and cleanse your 4 bodies for transformation and to amplify manifestation. MYRRH came in like a healing paste to heal and seal up the old wounds as it’s a natural anti inflammatory, antiseptic and heals the respiratory & digestive systems providing calmness and groundedness.
Wow wow wow it was pretty powerful. I hope you enjoy and please share with others if you find it healing.
Much love and blessings to you and I am truly honoured to be your guide….
Leigh xx
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